Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Promo # 1: Fin Esili

             Now Fin knew two things for sure. One, this diva, or Terra person was out of her blanking mind! “Overseer of Earthly creation”, she had to have gone bonkers. Two, he had to get out of here before he was killed, or worse, before he caught what she had. He had to think of a way to get out of here with his life and his sanity. He knew without a doubt that he would have to use words to do it. He stared at the knife that she now held so keenly by her side. Somehow he knew that she knew how to use it. He decided to ask as many questions as he could to get her relaxed so he could find a way to escape.

          “What do you mean? What do you want from me?” She grabbed him by the shirt quicker than he could blink, and lifted him a foot in the air. She had a disgusted sneer on her face. It made Fin sick to his stomach. No one had ever looked at him that way.
          “Do you think I am a fool mortal? I can read your mind as well as I could cut your throat. Oh, just so you know, if I had things my way I would have cut your throat before the day you were born.” She took her knife and put it to his throat. “I could do it right now. It would be so easy, and only a few people would miss you.” Fear shot through Fin’s whole being, but at the same time he felt outraged at this woman.
 Who did she think she was? Why would she hate him so much? He had never seen her face in his life, and yet she wanted to cut his throat. He had to focus on getting out of this alive. He had no idea who or what this woman was, but he knew she would like him better dead with his blood flowing then alive. He was shaking now. From head to toe, and he couldn’t stop it if he wanted to. He felt ashamed, but he had never been so scared in his life. Terra laughed. It was loud and spiteful, and her eyes said that she was enjoying every moment of this.
          “Why are you doing this?” He asked, trying hard not to choke on his words. She threw him to the ground again. She took something black from her pocket, and held it out for him to see. He instantly froze, the shiver that had taken him over moments before extinguished. She had a black flame in her hand, and she slowly started to walk toward him. He backed away, and tried to turn to get and run away. That’s how he thought it would turn out, and it’s probably how it should have went down. However, something cold started to crawl through his body. It felt like super glue had been injected through his body. He couldn’t move an inch.
          “Don’t struggle. I cannot kill you but if you make this any harder than it has to be, I’ll make this the worst experience that you’ve ever had in your life. Don’t struggle.” He stood there unable to move, unable to speak, and barely breathing. What was about to happen to him? When he looked again her face was so close to her they were almost touching. Then she forced the flame she had in her hand down his throat. He gagged and choked as the flame burned his throat, and felt his vision blur. He was losing his consciousness fast; either that or he was dying the horrible death he had been promised. His whole life flashed before his eyes, and one regret made itself bigger than any one of his memories. Angelica’s smile as he danced with her, and the conversation they had before he left in a rush. If only he had gotten a kiss from her, or at least told her that he loved her. Death had made everything so clear in his mind, and he almost smiled at the irony of it before he shut his eyes one more time. 


                                  Age of Darkness Part 1

      Fin Esili is an 18 year old freshmen at New York University. He was looking forward to fours years to having fun with his best friend Darren Shan when he is all of a sudden rushed into a role no one would want to play. Bringing the world into a new age of darkness. Even though doing this will save all of humanity Fin has no clue what to do as he gains powers and even immortality from unlikely allies.

       Join him in the first part of the Power Trilogy as he goes through all kinds of hurt, heartache, and pain trying to save the ones that matter most to him. You won't regret...


         Age of Darkness Part One

The Prologue

         Everything has a center. Every truth. Every untruth. Every universe. Every empty space. As the center expands new kinds of existences are brought into existence. Then that new existence creates another, and a ripple effect explodes across the planes around the center making it bigger than it was at the start. Giving it more definition and divination spreading it further and further along. It spreads so far that none would believe that it could ever possibly stop spreading. They would say it could never reach its’ peak. However, everything has an unraveling. Every truth. Every untruth. Every universe….
Destiny opens his eyes as he brings his recurring thoughts to a close. He rubs his hands along the smooth surface of his solid gold throne. It had seemed like only yesterday that he’d carved it out of matter after he watched the universe being created. How promising it seemed, and how everything seemed to fit together so perfectly.
 He was sent to this post to ensure that everything would survive until the Great One returned. However nothing had gone according to plan. There was one mistake that had not been accounted for, humankind. No matter how hard he tried he could not get them to see the importance of the big picture, they just kept destroying every good thing. The Great One had made it perfectly clear that everything was to have free will and a choice. Destiny wondered if the Great One had known that in the end no one would make the right choice. Destiny furrowed his eyebrows and tightened his grip on the throne. Not one person. He had one last chance to help them make it right. One chance to save everything that had been entrusted to him.
“Terra!” Destiny instantly bristled as he always did when he felt the presence of another being near coming near. He could hear the sound of footsteps edging nearer and nearer to him. He turned to see the epitome of earthly creation. Her brown hair, beige skin, and black eyes always gave him a sense warmth and comfort as if he were at home in his mother’s bosom. Her sharp features changed from a blank expression to a small grin. Destiny sensed that she’d read his thoughts. He recalled that she never really could keep to herself.
          “What is it that you have need of Master?” She curtsied and bowed her head so that Destiny could no longer see her expression. He stood up.
          “It is time.” He clenched his left fist. When he looked back at her she was staring at him, the smile no longer on her face. Her expression is now grim.
          “It cannot be. There must be some kind of mistake. It has only just started!” He held his right hand up to silence her. It pained him to do so, but this was no time for either of them to lose their composure.
          “There is a way to save them before they wipe out everything. I want you to give them something.” He watched a little hope appeared on her face. He hated that it had to come to this. He did not want to cause any harm then necessary. The thing he hated most of all was how fast the new found hope that appeared on Terra’s would disappear. It was its destiny.
          “I need you to give them something. I also need you to make sure that it lives to a mature age. Nothing must be allowed to harm it.” Terra stared at him for a short moment before asking the question that he had known she would eventually ask.
          “What exactly are you asking me to give them?” Destiny opened his left hand that he had left clenched for so long. He watched as the hope on her face faded away as he knew it would.
     “I want you to give them darkness.”

Read Now and Be Amazed At This Wonderful Adventure....Coming Soon